Welcome to Elder Care Finance
Helping families reduce the cost of care

Welcome to Elder Care Finance
Helping families reduce the cost of care
Ireland’s ageing population means demand for care is increasing.
Funding that care involves making complex decisions at a time when mental and physical capacity is generally reduced and often limited.
The consequences of getting things wrong can be financially destructive….
Our mission at Elder Care Finance is to help families navigate the system, avoid mistakes and significantly reduce costs.
Seven Steps To Save You Time & Money
The Elder Care Finance Service is aimed at every family that has a member aged over 70, not just individuals who are at the point of needing care or who are already Nursing Home residents.
Our online tutorials provide families with a step by step guide to the financial aspects of elder care.
Everything from the importance of advanced planning to helping with the application process, the workings of the Fair Deal Scheme, the valuable tax relief available and more.
Our service is completely anonymous, no personal information is required. Learn the comfort of your home with full anonymity.